EpicTogetherNJ is Moving!

With the successful completion of the RWJBarnabas Health Epic Together project, EpicTogetherNJ.org content is moving to permanent homes on My Service Portal (MPS) and the RWJBH.org website on January 17, 2025.

  • My Service Portal: Epic Training information, Epic How-To Resources, etc.
  • RWJBH.org: Epic Care Link / Limited Hyperspace, and Epic Downtime BCA.

Where it Began

Built from the ground up by the Epic Together Communication team — now IT Communications — with technical assistance from an outside web development company, EpicTogetherNJ.org went live the week of November 20, 2020.

The project URL featured an Epic Training portal, a Providers page, and an Epic Together Team page. The website also served as a communication hub for members of the public interested in following the progress of RWJBH’s largest capital project to date, which has changed the face of healthcare by unifying health records across the enterprise and giving patients a voice in their care.

URL Stats

Since its launch in 2020, EpicTogetherNJ.org has:

  • Hosted 232 unique pages and posts, containing Epic information, training information and directions, and emergent issues
  • Attracted 830,000 visits
  • Generated 2,622,000 “events” (clicks, downloads, etc.) across computers and mobile devices

As we wrap up the final aspects of the RWJBarnabas Health “Epic Together” project, we want to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this project!