Wave 4 – Go-Live Day 11 – Update from Jordan Ruch Chief Technology Officer

Go Live Status Report

Another positive day with no high priority escalations or additions to the Top 10 report.

Message from Jordan Ruch, Chief Technology Officer

Leadership has been watching ticket volumes for our overnight shift and based on those metrics we are making a change to command center hours. Starting 5/9, we will staff the command center from 7am to 8 pm. For issue escalation from 8pm to 7am please phone the administrator on call (check the Command Center Schedule spreadhseet for contacts). Additionally, please review your Service Now on-call schedules and ensure that they are up to date. Please keep up the amazing work on the remaining tickets, we are within striking distance of the 90% mark!

This is a direct result of all of your hard work so THANK YOU – We are breaking all our own records AGAIN!