Wave 4 – Go-Live Day 17 – Ticket Opened Rate Trending Down – Encounter Closure Reminder

Ticket Opened Rate Trending Down

The Wave 4 “ticket opened” rate continues to trend 26% lower than the Wave 3 ticket open rate. This great news illustrates how the work and dedication from leadership, training, and our Wave 4 customers have improved the Epic Go-Live efforts.

Ambulatory Providers: Encounter Closure Reminder

Complete Your Charts Within 72 Hours

  • RWJBH’s Chart Completion Standards Policy reflects Joint Commission, CMS, and NJDOH patient safety best practices
    • Ambulatory – A best practice is to close your encounters within 24 hours.
    • Encounter closure within 72 hours is mandatory.
    • To avoid escalation, please close encounters within 3 days!